Tuesday, October 16, 2007

hits, and misses

Well I can't say I'm over the moon about your grades, peeps, but you know, for what it's worth, most of you have shown marked improvement since the last major exams. Special shout-outs to the diligent ones like Mui2, Ayu and Qiulin (05), Siting and Kim (18) and Ci and Jean (23) for all the blood sweat and tears you put in. Even if the grades may not reflect your efforts, you've become bigger persons for trying and I hope you'll continue to thrive.

And of course the ones who shone based on their extra effort to research and consistently turn in good quality work like Rav, Joash, Nic (05), Van, Sim, Jo and Jialin (18) and Steph, GSM, Marion, Colin, Bobby and Weixun (23). You all deserve special mention only because I think you can inspire your classmates to up the ante next year!

In the meantime, don't despair if things aren't looking too bright. Consider the whole exam experience a life lesson to yourselves, pick up the pieces, move on. You should be proud of yourselves having made it thus far. Continue to update/upgrade yourselves in your free time (after your dreaded PW is over) and readx3. That's really the key to good writing OK?

Have a good rest and I'll see you all soon. In the meantime, I'll upload the paper 2 answer so you can go check what errors you made. It was a tough paper overall and we were quite harsh with the marking, only coz we want to appraise your standards as close to Cambridge ones. See you all on Oct 26th (there'll be a feedback session) and I think Nov 9th where I see you guys for the last time. I'm not certain if I'll be teaching you all next year, but we'll see ;]
In my thoughts and prayers
the madam


QIUlin said...

who's Quilin?
I'm Qiulin. haha
ANYWAY, i Just wan thank you for all the effort u've put in :D
Somehow, the extra consultation prove to be (effective).
This means that next year u can have all my "THURSDAYs"! (*opps)


webspinner said...

haha oops i'm spelling-deficifient
n darling, it's "you rock" hahaha jialat