Monday, September 22, 2008

moving on...

OK peeps, i know many of you are disheartened by the results, believe me i'm really xing1tong4 too =[
well, no point crying over spilt (tainted) milk. so let's try to look past this and work on your reading and writing before nov 3rd ok?

in the meantime here's mr bell's lecture notes in case you missed them.
and for those who want more practice, here's a zip file of other JC prelim papers (about 2.5mb)

meantime, do read up on the latest global crises, like the china milk scandal, lehman/meryll lynch debacle and of course what has been termed the '9/11 of Pakistan' Al Qaeda bombing of Hotel Marriot, Islamabad. It's the latest stuff you include in your essays which will impress the examiners. They keep emphasising that the RANGE of examples always helps make your essays remarkable.

and that's exactly what i hope for you all. not average run-of-the-mill essays but something which will distinguish you from the 354365346232 essays they mark. i believe ALL of you can attain the A's or B's ok?

go peeps!

dates to kiv:

+ 2nd oct 245-545 mock exam, audi, lt1 / 4
+ post-farewell revision and practice sessions: paper 1 (16th oct), paper 2 (23rd oct) - this is not compulsory but strongly encouraged to give you confidence before the big one
+ free group tuition conducted by AJ alumni + ex-GP tutor, saturdays, 9am-12pm, Reading Room (wef 27th sept)

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

how the world economy can affect us.

9/16/2008 From BBC NEWS:
Q&A: Lehman Brothers bank collapse
Wall Street bank Lehman Brothers has filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy protection
after emergency talks to find a buyer failed.
Confidence in the 150-year-old investment bank - the fourth largest in the US - crumbled last
week amid growing concerns that its large portfolio of mortgage-backed assets was worth far
less than it was originally valued.
During the past year Lehman reported billion-dollar losses and saw its share price plummet
more than 95%.

Why did Lehman fail?
Lehman Brothers is considered one of Wall Street's biggest dealers in fixed interest trading
and was heavily invested in securities linked to the US sub-prime mortgage market.
With these investments now shunned as high risk, analysts say it was inevitable that
confidence in Lehman Brothers would likely be hit - particularly after the collapse of Bear
Stearns earlier this year.
In its June to August period last year, the bank said it would make write downs of $700m as
it adjusted the value of its investments in residential mortgages and commercial property.
One year on this figure soared to $7.8bn, which last week resulted in Lehman reporting the
largest net loss in its history. The bank also admitted that it still had $54bn of exposure to
hard-to-value mortgage-backed securities.
Despite having access to cash reserves, worried investors pummelled the firm's shares last
week after talks to raise billions of dollars from outside investors ran into a brick wall.

How does it affect me?

Nobody has a Lehman Brothers cheque book or current account. The company is an
investment bank that specialises in big and complex deals and investments.
Despite this, Lehman's collapse will probably be felt by millions of people around the world -
at least indirectly.
Most of our banks and pension funds have dealings with Lehman, or with firms like hedge
funds that traded extensively with Lehman.
Unwinding Lehman's complex deals could take weeks or months. During that time the global
financial system will be snarled up. Many banks won't know for sure how much they are
exposed to Lehman, and will have difficulty freeing up the money in those deals.
This in turn is likely to intensify the credit crunch, with potentially dire consequences for
businesses and consumers.
And the dramatic collapse of Lehman Brothers has also shaken the financial markets, with
share prices slumping around the world.

Are any other firms in trouble?
Well, for starters there is Merrill Lynch, another large US investment bank. In a surprise
move, Bank of America agreed on Sunday to buy Merrill Lynch.
The fear was that investors would have started a witch hunt for the next bank with heavy
exposure to debt linked to mortgages, the value of which continues to tumble, and Merrill
Lynch would have been the likely suspect.
The biggest worry, though, is insurance giant AIG. Reports suggest that AIG has asked the
US central bank for a $40bn bridging loan.
If AIG is in trouble, it would directly affect millions of consumers and companies around the
world. It would also hurt the whole financial system.
And compared to AIG, the crisis surrounding Bear Sterns and Lehman is small beer.
Why didn't the US Treasury save Lehman Brothers?
When Bear Stearns ran into trouble, the US Treasury made the terms favourable for JP
Morgan Chase to buy it.
And just last week, the US government effectively nationalised Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,
which between them own or guarantee about half of the $12 trillion US mortgage market.
So already the US tax payer has been put at risk of shouldering the burden of billions of
dollars of losses, and it is becoming politically less acceptable for the government to keep
bailing out private companies.
By not giving UK bank Barclays a guarantee for Lehman's trading obligations as part of a deal
to buy the business, analysts say the US Treasury has put a line under its willingness to use
public money to rescue banks which have made wrong decisions.
Instead, government officials have focused on supporting the financial system in other ways,
announcing measures to ease access to emergency credit for struggling financial companies.

How big is Lehman Brothers?
Founded in 1850 by three immigrants from Germany, Lehman Brothers has been a
prominent investment bank in Wall Street for decades.
It operates at a wholesale level, dealing with governments, companies and other financial
institutions, employing 25,000 people worldwide, including 5,000 in the UK.
Its core business includes buying and selling shares and fixed income assets, trading and
research, investment banking, investment management and private equity.
As the crisis in financial markets has gathered momentum, it has seen its share price collapse
from $82 to less than $4 - a fall of 95%.

Published: 2008/09/15 09:35:50 GMT

Sunday, September 14, 2008

fuel factor.

oil prices and opec:

fr ST 15th sep '08