Thursday, November 29, 2007

and so it goes...

sorry ladies and germ, but 18 has been given to another teach next year so well, I'll miss you peeps. (but pls get the damn holiday hw done anyway ok?)

05 and 23, you'll still have to reckon with my nasty ass haha! cya all in '08 and have a merry one ok?

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

oxymoron much


Haha so well your pw nightmares almost over, here's another to add to your christmas cheer...
We just can't leave you to breathe so here goes:

Pls get done (updated on 9th much changed since the last dept meeting):
1. TWO essays (800 words) on any of the Promo '07 questions. This will be counted as your first assignments for Term 1 in '08. Pls attach 3 articles for EACH essay related to the topics you choose

2. Redo the Promo '07 compre (I know, I don't get it either. but please don't shoot the messenger) focusing on your AQ

3. Prepare for your milestones research MCQ test to be administered in Term 1 '08
If you've forgotten what the topics are, go click on this link and if your dear GP reps have already compiled them into a package that'd help heaps.

OK that should be it. Keep busy kids. An idle mind is the devil's workshop and believe me, I of all peeps should know that muahahaha! >;]


Tuesday, October 16, 2007

hits, and misses

Well I can't say I'm over the moon about your grades, peeps, but you know, for what it's worth, most of you have shown marked improvement since the last major exams. Special shout-outs to the diligent ones like Mui2, Ayu and Qiulin (05), Siting and Kim (18) and Ci and Jean (23) for all the blood sweat and tears you put in. Even if the grades may not reflect your efforts, you've become bigger persons for trying and I hope you'll continue to thrive.

And of course the ones who shone based on their extra effort to research and consistently turn in good quality work like Rav, Joash, Nic (05), Van, Sim, Jo and Jialin (18) and Steph, GSM, Marion, Colin, Bobby and Weixun (23). You all deserve special mention only because I think you can inspire your classmates to up the ante next year!

In the meantime, don't despair if things aren't looking too bright. Consider the whole exam experience a life lesson to yourselves, pick up the pieces, move on. You should be proud of yourselves having made it thus far. Continue to update/upgrade yourselves in your free time (after your dreaded PW is over) and readx3. That's really the key to good writing OK?

Have a good rest and I'll see you all soon. In the meantime, I'll upload the paper 2 answer so you can go check what errors you made. It was a tough paper overall and we were quite harsh with the marking, only coz we want to appraise your standards as close to Cambridge ones. See you all on Oct 26th (there'll be a feedback session) and I think Nov 9th where I see you guys for the last time. I'm not certain if I'll be teaching you all next year, but we'll see ;]
In my thoughts and prayers
the madam

Monday, October 1, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007

exit...stage right...or wrong

so kiddos, it's uneventfully the start of your promos on children's day and well, the child in me would like to wish the child in you the best in what's left of your days as minors (not like few of you haven't already tried certain vices only legally-accessible to 18&aboves)

right. I guess what this entry is really about is to express my sentiment about having spent almost 3 terms with you...the longest in my record as a relief-teach. It's weird. I only meant to spend a term with you peeps, but well, it turns out I wanted to see all of you through to the finish line.

so 23, you've been a really motley & charming lot -- with the primates, mice, and other exotic creatures from other lands...haha your class is like a zoo, and yes, I support PETA and other worthy causes saving animals...coz I love 'em!

and 18, ladies and the best gentleman i've met in eons -- you'll always have a place in my heart. your classes always came at the worst times of the day (too early or too late!) but you know what? Just looking at your pure, teachable faces was enough motivation. I really hope you womyn thrive as individuals, and that the only chap will come out of these two years the most enlightened of his species.

and of course my beloved PD 05, you are like assorted nuts (I mean that in a good way...wait for it) -- I look forward to seeing you all every time, except during the tense episodes of love/hate drama hahaha!. But seriously, you all are special in your own ways, and like a pack of nuts, each one appeals in flavour...well except that flat kidney-shaped one (fava bean?) which I hate! You will all be dearly cherished for everything that you are.

Go kick butt in the exams, kiddos! And if you see me on the street, don't be a stranger, OK?
And I will continue to exasperate you in spirit! muahahahah!

meanwhile...some 'gentle' reminders from my HOD for the promos

It is the candidate's duty to be:

1. neat (avoid excessive & untidy cancellations)
2. ensure his / her handwriting is clear and big (not tiny that cannot be read)
3. use dark ink pen (not light blue / black) to ensure visibility
4. use simple & clear sentences (avoid verbosity and convoluted sentences)
It is their duty to ensure the examiner can read their work. They should not penalise themselves unneccesarily. The examiner cannot give marks to anything he / she cannot read.

haha you heard her. so you know what to do.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

SDL and Research (Mon 10th Sept, Comp Lab)

Too short a term break...

Anyway, it's the final lap of your JC1 and based on the last essay you all wrote, I've observed a blatant lack of knowledge in the examples you raised. So it's time you did some background search on these essential terms before you make the same stark factual fallacies in your final exams:
  1. Globalisation and Culture
  2. Environment & Biodiversity, Sustainable Development
  3. Terrorism and War
Try to also find relevant articles on the above and PASTE the links on your blogs.

And if you haven't already, please complete your blog entry on same-sex marriage before your promos, or at least before they find a cure for cancer!
If you can, drop me a message here once you've updated. thanx!

(Also here's an interesting article on MM Lee's comment on gay peeps & globalisation of our country & globalisation represented in an LV ad)

This just in: a refreshing perspective on the latest episode of the gay RI teacher coming-out

Monday, August 27, 2007

BLOG TASK 2 for Term 3

Is same-sex marriage a practical consideration in this age of globalisation?

Using articles you've read in class or on your own, consolidate the information with your response in your blogs.
(DEADLINE: by end of Sept week-long hols)

& for those with extra time on your hands...
extra readings from across the causeway:
Gay pastor sparks uproar
Gay pastor leads service, his partner watches with pride

Issues on HIV / 'gay disease':
No room for sexual morality in Aids conversation (TODAYonline, 13th Aug 07)
Beware the high-risk 'gay lifestyle' (ST FORUM, 8th Aug 07) if can't get in, this article also sums it up.

Anit-gay marriage:
Marriage is an institution between one man and one woman

Reverse Sexism and the Women's Charter:
Not a biased law

And for those who REALLY have lots of time...
Take the sexuality test here! ;]
(I'd love to know how you all fair hahaha!)

have a good break, kiddos!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Term 3 Micro Lecture downloads

Prejudice and Discrimination:

Please also research on your own issues on Lookism, Ageism, Disablism and Discrimination against Foreigners (Xenophobia).

Sunday, July 15, 2007

BLOG TASK 1 for Term 3

"The mother of revolution and crime is poverty"(Aristotle)
Do you agree?

Read two articles on class discriminaton (which I will hand out soon) and consolidate the information in response to the question above.

(deadline: end of Week 7 or please get it done at least during the long national day weekend)

Thursday, June 28, 2007

and so it begins...

OK peeps, your hols are way over, your exams finally ended and well, you know what I hope you all have/or will get down to doing.*

No nagging required.

*for the clueless / uninitiated (deliberately or otherwise), your holiday blog assignment on racial harmony and the research project which I will collect on Tue 3rd July. Pending which I will have to get nasty!

P/S special shout-outs to the lovelies who got around to either doing it or have been blogging actively during the hols (I will get down to grading them when I'm done w the MYE marking):
Lil Tracy, Xin Rui, Shang Yuan, Ming Quan, Daniel, Joash (05), Charmaine, Violet, Si Ting, Kang Kim, Jolene and Zi Qi (18) and Marion, Shimin, Yuan Yin, Jean, Bobby, Josh, Wei Zhe, Jeremy, Zhi Wei and Kan Chong (23) -- you all will seriously be considered to be clustered into the Alpha GP group next year. Or in any case, your self-discipline is commendable! You all rock serious ass! =]

Monday, May 14, 2007

Micro-Lecture Notes

As requested by most of you, here are the links to notes from my Term 2 lessons according to topic (disclaimer: links may expire from file-sharing website)

Mass Media:

Crime and Punishment / Life & Death:

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

sorry, nothing to see here ;]

I had to create this bogus account because some of you have not given me the option to post anon comments.

anyway, since you're here, the grading scheme FYI:

A: deeply insightful and cogent response to the article, even providing links to other related articles

B: a generally well-developed response reflecting a good grasp of the topic at hand

C: a shallow reading and averagely constructed entry

D: a shoddy and poorly constructed response

F: you should know why